Sunday, April 15, 2012

New year.. A little late


So my life has been crazy since the last time I posted, so I'll make catching up short. :)
Well I quit my design job. I wasn't happy anymore with the work I was doing and I felt like my learning had plateaued at the position I was in. My boss was really cool with it and she understood. I still love to design, (not so much sew since I sometimes get frustrated) but I'm dabbling in the merchandising/management part of my degree. I recently interviewed for a promotion and I should find out this week if I receive it. At this job I had been progressing in my management skills in the cosmetic department. I became the counter manager of our fragrances and the assistant area sales manager of the overall cosmetics dept. Never in a million years did I think that I would be in cosmetics. I have learned so much about make up and have learned the benefits of helping someone feel more beautiful, which is a wonderful feeling.

Other than that I've been doing a lot of reading. I got a kindle for Christmas and I've pretty much read as much as I could. I'm currently reading the Anne Rice Vampire series. Ironically I'm also in the middle of reading the Bible. I know that might be a little random but Anne Rice also has a series on faith and it spills over into her vampire books as well. One of my biggest dreams is to become an author. And in the novel I'm currently writing I'm searching for the perfect bible verses to help my character evolve. Hopefully that will make sense once I'm published.. haha

Thats all for now.. Let me know what books you're reading/ or are wanting to. :)

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